Dialogue with Pauline Oliveros at the Théâtre du Galpon
Author, playwright/director and text/sound artist IONE has performed and taught throughout the world with her creative partner and spouse, composer Pauline Oliveros. She has written and directed works with Music and Sound Design by Oliveros, including Njinga the Queen King, Io and Her and the Trouble with Him, The Lunar Opera and The Nubian Word for Flowers; A Phantom Opera. Artistic Director of the Deep Listening Institute for fifteen years, IONE is faculty with The Center for Deep Listening ® online Certificate programs at Rensselaer, Troy, NY and through her organization, MoM, Inc presents workshops and seminars fostering creative and spiritual exchange between women. Among other works, she is the author of Pride of Family – Four Generations of American Women of Color, Listening in Dreams and Spell Breaking Anthologies of Women’s Mysteries.
By repetition,
you start noticing details
in the landscape
Sunday 12 January 2020