Cinéma Spoutnik
Matrix III
1972 16mm, color, sound, 10min 35
Music by Terry Riley (Poppy Nogood and the Phantom Band, 1968)
Courtesy of Whitney Edition LLC, Los Angeles, California
A pioneer in abstract cinema and computer animation, a collaborator of Alfred Hitchcock for his visual effects, and Charles Eames and Buckminster Fuller for experiences in cinema expanded to architecture, John Whitney Sr was awarded a fellowship as artist-in-residence at IBM between 1966 and 1969. Matrix III, an ever-evolving digital mandala, has been produced in California following his first experiments with high powered computers. The motion graphics, composing and decomposing at the rhythm of Terry Riley’s improvisations, is a major work of synesthesia, in which light, form and sound melt into a hypnotic immersion, into a cosmic journey.
By repetition,
you start noticing details
in the landscape